It’s been over two years since I was first introduced to MMS. While that represents childhood and adolescence in dog years, it seems even longer in “MMS years,” given the tremendous rise in acceptance of the protocol. The possibility of a death being tied the ingestion of MMS has been long speculated, especially before there were many experienced users of the product and protocol. Now, after an estimated 1 million people have used, or are using MMS, tens of thousands of which reporting relief from such conditions as diabetes, psoriasis, asthma, pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, migraine headaches, parasites, AIDS and many forms of cancer, the day of accusation has come.
With all of the benefits that have been realized, and more to be learned, it did not come as a surprise when a death would be tied to the use of MMS, as happened in August 2009. The story has been published online, titled, “MMS KILLED MY WIFE” (, and in numerous forums. It is a heart-breaking story, such as it was written by Doug Nash about his beloved wife Sylvie. And yet, with what is now known about how MMS works, supported by thousands of cases, Mr. Nash’s conclusion as to the cause of Sylvie’s death doesn’t ring true. This doesn’t diminish his grief, but it does temper the efficacy of his conclusion, especially since both of them knew relatively little about the protocol.
Nonetheless, I wanted to offer my own condolences to Mr. Nash for his loss, no matter what the true cause is. I sat down before my video camera and offered a few more thoughts about this event, as it means that more people will be learning about MMS, and they, like Mr. Nash and Sylvie, should understand what they’re doing.
This is not to say that MMS can kill you, or that it should be used with fear. Any number of over-the-counter remedies, if used improperly, can bring about a swift death. Yet, the general medical and media response will be to call for greater awareness and care, not question whether the remedy is helpful. That would be the appropriate response in this case, as the real cause of death is ascertained.
Yet, we shouldn’t resist the questioning, for MMS doesn’t need anyone to defend it, any more than Mother Nature does. It will continue doing what it has done because it is a gift of Nature that, if understood and used wisely, can yield great benefits, and if used incorrectly, can bring tragedy. That’s the real truth here, because a tragedy did happen, and chlorine dioxide simply is.
Because of how it works and its small expense, MMS would be a highly effective remedy for any flu condition, whether man-made (i.e., H1N1) or otherwise. This is because the flu’s catalyzing agent would inherently be of a low pH value, in the acidic spectrum, which is the specific range of chlorine dioxide’s reactivity.
MMS is not a “cure” for the many conditions that have improved as a result of its use. It simply reduces the factors — many of which are the result of over acidity — that contribute to the disease pathologies.
Imploder. Photonic. I am still racking my brain around both, and would love to read something comparing the two.
On July 27 a person behind the Ejvind user questioned Phalosopher for honoring the request to remove the witness account post, considering that the post helps to clear MMS, thus LDS does it with the intention help.
On July 28, a person who claims was one of the mentioned witness in the post actually sees the post in a different light, and considers that it actually helps making a case against MMS, thus LDS must be one of its detractors.
This is just an example of how the same piece of information can be interpreted in many different ways. I recognize that Phalosopher tries to keep an unbiased view on the topic (since its a serious one, a person died). As well as he honors the request to remove the post, the same way he keeps on record that this was requested.
It appears that no more information has been issued is because there is a pending investigation. Lets hope that once concluded, the results are shared as well.
For the time being I am glad that Phalosopher keeps the current info out there, since its important to make it available and let people draw their own conclusions.
In the Witness Account of Death of Sylvia Fink, I was one of the people that gave CPR. As I said, NO ONE of the people named in that account was notified or gave permission to have that account posted on the internet. This was to be used in a potential court case, the posting could now perhaps render the account useless legally. There is absolutely no need to make all the details known to the public for their voyeuristic pleasure. Posting this does nothing of value to the debate and is cruel to bring up again for all who were there that tragic day. We are all trying to move on… and to see this a year later, and to know it is there for all to see is unbearable.
First, I do not think that this document helps MMS in anyway. In fact, people reading it can only conclude that Sylvia Fink did exist, she did take 2 drops of MMS after she expressed interest in it, and asked clarification on how to mix it, (so therefore, probably mixed it as directed). She experienced vomiting and diarrhea, as the literature she had read says is a possible effect, and that her husband was told to give vitamin C to alleviate the effects, and that 12 hrs after allegedly taking MMS, she stopped breathing and could not be revived by CPR. She was also taking medications, a hormone (probably estrogen), and at least one other medication. We do not know if she took them at the same time or shortly before or after MMS. We still do not know whether her death is directly linked to MMS or an interaction of her meds and MMS.
Second, as I state below, this document was compiled in case there were future legal proceedings. In fact, there is, from what we were told by an unofficial source, still an open investigation going on in this matter. We have not yet been asked for any statements, but this may still happen. So, not only was it wrong from the view of the invasion of our personal privacy, but it is important that this Account not be open to the public until the investigation is finished. Yes, it has been a whole year and this is not yet finished. Supposedly the autopsy results cannot be made public until the investigation is closed. We are all in agony waiting.
We believe that MMS is a great contribution to the world. We have paid a hard price in advocating MMS, yet we still use it. We still tell selected people about it. We still think Jim Humble is a great humanitarian.
You seem to be so emotionally involved in “clearing” the name of MMS, that you want to hurt and accuse. One person has already lashed accusations about, but he is blinded by grief. I think you must look inside yourself and analyze why you feel such anger over this.
Hi Phalosopher,
I wonder how you can speak of truth, and at the same time delete the story, that almost certainly clears MMS of any responsibility in the unfortunate death of Sylvia. I do understand your wish to help the people that had the experience to be left with it for their private mourning. But the fact remains that “they” started this deal with an accusation, and now that someone comes forward to tell the truth, we are not allowed to see it, because “they” want to deal with this in private. I know it is not the same “they” in those instances, because the latter “they” is anonymous.? I respect the posting from Joaquin, because he is not hiding. And his story is not biased either. If you want to remove the original story, then please also remove the request to remove it. And by the way: For someone who says “they” are not savvy on the internet, “they” sure are using some interesting terms like “PLEASE, DO NOT PASS ON THIS ACCOUNT TO ANYONE ELSE OR ANY OTHER INTERNET SITE.”
Do you have a private email? I would like to tell you some information concerning the Witness Account, but for your eyes only.
Sorry to contact you this way, but I am not the best at navigating my way thru sites…I couldn’t find a contact info for you.
Dear Adam,
On behalf of us who asked that the posting by LDS be removed, we thank you for your humanity, and respect. It shows that you administer a responsible website, and that you monitor it well. I hope that LDS and others will reflect on their actions and the possible repercussions more thoroughly in the future.
We hope to get a reply from LDS saying that he has respected our wishes, and will request other sites where he has posted the Account, to be as respectful and to remove it.
Thank you again.
I don’t know who you are or how you got this Document, but it is inappropriate to post it and irresponsible to use people’s names without notifying them and asking permission.
Witness Account of the Death of Sylvia: In this account are names and statements given by people who were there at the death. I was one of those people. I did not post this, and I KNOW that the others involved would not post it either, and like me would not like their names given all over the Internet. This was a very traumatic event for ALL involved. I understand the reason why it was posted to give credence to the fact that it WAS an actual true event, that it was not made up by the FDA, and that it tells the story of what happened.
BUT I was never contacted by anyone saying they were going to post this asking permission to use all the actual names of the witnesses.
I think this is a breach of privacy. I found out about this post (as well as on several other blogs discussing the incident) when a reporter called me asking me to comment. I knew nothing about these postings. This document was created by those of us present, as a record, in case any legal proceedings came about. It was not for public release. I do not know how LDS or any of the others got this document.
I support MMS, and I am so sad this incident happened, and I am saddened by the aftermath of debate and accusations.
BUT I think that it is not appropriate to post this document. It is not necessary to give all the vivid details to the general public to hover over like vultures. It is a violation of Doug Nash’s privacy, Sylvia’s family’s privacy, and the privacy of all of us involved.
Please, LDS, we ask on our behalf that you do not post this on any other blog. It is irresponsible to post this without thinking about the psychological consequences to all of us who were caught up innocently in a series of very tragic, and traumatic events. None of us want to relive it, or for total strangers to read it.
I ask that you remove it from the Blog site immediately before it gets disseminated all over the Internet. I ask that anyone reading the Witness Account, and this reply, to respect ALL the people involved, and their feelings, and their right to privacy. PLEASE, DO NOT PASS ON THIS ACCOUNT TO ANYONE ELSE OR ANY OTHER INTERNET SITE.
Thank you
Hello Phaelosopher,
My name is Joaquin and I am the son of Mr. Nash wife. I stumble upon your website while looking if there has been any other death which could be tied to MMS.
Let me start by saying that your comments and response are the most professional and unbiased so far. There is a (allegedly) response from Jim Humbe to Mr. Nash on regards to this matter and needless to say, the tone it was written in pretty much hurt mores his reputation than help him out (in my opinion). The tone of your response is more aligned on what one would expect for someone that is an MMS advocate.
Me and my family wish this was a made up history, but it is not.
As scientists, we derive conclusions based on the facts that we have. And until now, there is a relation between my mother ingesting MMS and her death.
My mother found out about MMS within the sailing community and she did extensive “research” on the internet trying it out.
She relied on information on the internet which needless to say, lacks of reliable and trustworthy sources.
After her death, we felt the obligation to share her story within the community just to make people aware, among the same lines as she became aware and become convinced to use the product.
In one hand, the fact that one doesn’t have evidence of another death because of MMS doesn’t mean that it didn’t have anything to do. And in the other, the fact that it’s related doesn’t mean that MMS is indeed the culprit.
Is the day where we are still waiting for the pathology and toxicology reports to try to see if we can get some concrete answers on what happened. However we believe that either the responsible or the catalyst, or even just a very bad odd coincide, it should go on record that a deceased has happened related to MMS.
I was reading the history of a person that was killed when it came across a person that was riding on his bicycle and with a dog on leash. The deceased happened to somehow get in the middle and somehow died. You can understand that the spouse will consider that people riding with dogs on leash killed his/her partner. And as you mentioned, although very unfortunate, does that mean that riding with dogs on leash should be banned? Probably not, but at least people should have the awareness that a fatal accident can happen and then decide if they want to take the risk or not (either by riding the bike with the dog on leash or by choosing to be on places where people do that).
Greetings Joaquin,
Welcome and thank you for writing. My sincere condolences to your mother’s sudden passing. I believe that the crux of the tone of Jim’s response may have had to do with the certitude with which it was asserted that MMS caused your mother’s passing. That MMS was a factor in the event that unfolded is a given. That it was in some way causal to her death was another story. To anyone familiar with MMS and how it works, this assertion would naturally be highly suspect, especially as it had been done prior to any corroboration by pathology or toxicology reports. And if it were the cause, members of the MMS community would be as interested as anyone else in understanding how.
All anyone wants here is the truth. Whether MMS was causal in your mom’s death or not, it’s more important that the truth be known. If it were causal, the associated factors should be clear and self-evident. Whatever the cause, truth should be our primary goal, and not emotion clouded, grief-filled assertions. The emotion and grief are understandable. The uncorroborated and unsubstantiated assertions were the only objection.
There is no validity on this Mr. Nash’s story. No where to find any source of incident nor couple cruising or names to be found on any death or accident surrounding MMS. I find this story a HOAX. Sorry for being blunt. Do you research.
The lattitude38 article sounds rather fraudulent. The Doug Nash character is so broken up over the loss of his dear wife that he cannot even decide if her name was Sylvie or Silvie. (At another spot on that site, his wife’s name is given as Carolyn. Did she die too?)
Get a load of this dramatic BS:
“While in Port Vila, Silvie decided to purchase some MMS that she’d heard about from a cruising couple. The guy is from Belgium and his wife is from California. I was not happy about her wanting to try the stuff, but I didn’t interfere because I knew nothing about it at the time. Besides, she was a grown and savvy woman with lots of experience with all kinds of good and bad medicines. She’d even done a little internet research on MMS over several weeks before trying it. Neither of us thought she would be in any danger from taking it. How dreadfully wrong we were!”
Not to mention this!
“I’ve been told that the villagers at Epi, who had been so entertained by Sylvie’s dancing the night before she died, have built a shrine to honor her.”
But the best part is the added editorial which starts:
“We looked up MMS, which stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement — oh boy! — at a …”
Of course, we will never hear about the autopsy results, the truth of which would honor Sylvie the most.
The whole thing seems contrived and totally unbelievable. The site editor seems to have a bigger axe to grind than the grieving (two-time?) widow Nash.
Also, an apparent sailing buddy going by the handle Nautiknitter is busy posting the same latitude38 article in several spots on Amazon for any product related to MMS.
In any case, if my wife died of something, I’m sure I would write a letter just like this one and send it to my favorite hobby organization’s website. Then I would replicate that letter on Amazon’s product review sections pertaining to suspected product to get justice. Smells of a hoax. Obviously, Mr. Humble has rubbed somebody the wrong way.
Hi Phaelosopher,
Thanks for taking the time and having the courage to stand up for MMS – a gift that some would love to bereave the world of.
I too feel for Mr. Nshs loss, but the fact that his actions speak differently – he want revenge – indicates he is not sad, but mad or angry.
Although this is perfectly understandable, it doesn’t give him the right to take out his anger on something that cannot harm you.
On the other hand, that may be his reason for attcing MMS – it is safe to do so.
An aspect is, that if you accuse any medical drug for not working, the company of its origin may take you to court and make you retract what you have said. There is no way Jim Humble or anyone else will do that to Mr. Nash.